Our Story

How it all started...

What started out as a vision shared between a few friends grew into a Sunday morning service in a basement, to a little red building on the North end of town. From there we have watched as God has blessed our church and our congregation into what we are today, it has been a long process, with mountain highs and valley lows, strides of progress and setbacks that have knocked us down. We have seen peace, hope and joy; salvation and lots of love. We are seeing lives just beginning to start to take shape and grow, and we've had to say goodbye to friends along the way. But through it all, God has been with us, and we will continue to do His work of giving life, giving hope, and giving purpose.

Expanding the vision...

From 'the church in the little red building' to Lifespring, we have expanded our ministries to giving out meals at Easter and Christmas, a BBQ competition that gives us an opportunity to serve the community with free lunch,  to a fall festival that is our biggest a most popular event. We want to get involved with the community and help those around us.

Where we are headed...

Heaven is our home, and we plan to take as many people with us as we can.

Jesus gave us a new life and we want to make sure that everyone has the opportunity to experience that life with us. Through outreach ministries and global missionaries we want to see lives saved and transformed through the power and love of Jesus Christ.

Be a part of our story...

Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together a 10 am.