
Associate Pastors & Staff

Matt Phillips

Worship Pastor

After the launch of Lifespring in September of 2018 the church began the process of actively pursuing a Worship Pastor who shared the same vision as the church and was ready to take on the challenge of building a worship ministry from scratch. In January of 2019 God answered that prayer and sent us Matt.
Matt grew up  the oldest of three boys in a loving and Christian home and as a pastors son. He was always around music growing up in the church and was able to see how Worship music has taken hold not only in his own life but how it can affect others. 
Through many years of struggle and straying, trials, grace, mercy and love Matt started to feel his call to ministry become more apparent as a co-leader at Northbrook Baptist in Cullman, Alabama. This is when Pastor Scott invited Matt to come lead worship and see what the exciting things were going on at Lifespring. Not long after Matt felt the call to ministry, Matt says Lifespring was exactly where God was calling him, it felt like home. And most importantly the gospel was taught. After a couple years at Lifespring the Lord decided to bless Matt again and he met his wonderful bride Brittany, it was a real answer to Matt’s prayer.
Matt’s mision for worship at Lifespring is the same as the goal for an individual service or even individual song. It comes from John 4:23-24 : 23 But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. 24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.
Matt’s vision is to worship God with everything we have. Unapologetically, unafraid, motivated, passionately and directed to God like our prayers but with our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ in a building that God has allowed us to meet in whether it’s in a suit, jeans and a t-shirt, flip flops, or dress. Come as you are but prayerfully leaving spiritually renewed and changed.

Summer Walker

Children's ministry coordinator

When Lifespring needed a home it was the Walkers who literally opened the doors to a brand new adventure! From the planning stages in their living room, to the first four services held in their basement, the Walkers were vital to the launch of Lifespring. Summer serves in all aspects of our student ministry, both teens and children.  Summer has always felt led to be in ministry, supporting young girls and women, in teaching the love of Jesus through scripture. 
Summer is married to Chris and they have two children, Chance and Austen.  She holds a chemistry degree from Judson College and a nursing degree from UAH.  Summer is currently a nurse at Huntsville Hospital on mother/baby.

Derrick & Stephanie Marion

Tech Team Coordinator / Ministry Assistant

You’ve heard it said when one door closes another one opens? That is exactly what happened to the Marion’s! After nearly 3 years of serving the Lord at their previous church they were forced to close the doors for good. It was a sad and frustrating time for the Marion’s that lead them to visit Lifespring in August of 2019. Almost immediately Derrick and Stephanie dove in to serve the Lord with us on our tech and worship teams. Because of their hard work, dedication and genuine love for people, it became apparent to the rest of our leadership team that we needed them on our staff. The Marion’s have three children Destin, Ian and Brentley.

Derrick Serves as head of the Tech ministry and Stephanie serves on our worship team.

Ben & Brooke Penery

Elder and Administrative assistant

Ben and Brooke have played a vital role on the Lifespring staff even before the beginning. As members of our launch team, the Penery's have taken on whatever roles necessary for the birth and growth of Lifespring. Both Ben and Brooke also serve on our board of directors, Ben as the Vice President and Brooke as the Secretary and Treasurer. Ben and Brooke have two beautiful daughters Paityn and Presley